Monday, November 11, 2019
Unit 11 Child Care Nvq Level 3
Unit 11 Out come 1 â⬠¢Describe what is meant by a positive environment Environment is the surrounding of a central point; it can be split in to three basic categories biological, physical and social. The environment of my care setting for example is made up biological aspects i. e. my self, my children, my husband, our pet hamsters and the out door plants and trees in the garden, also the children that attend my care setting. The physical aspects are the toys, furniture door wall, large garden equipment, buggies safety gates etc. he social environment in my setting is all about the culture, and customs of my setting and the activities and experiences we are involved in and interact with. a positive environment is warm and welcoming, consistent and stable ,safe clean and tidy, where individuals are treated with respect and dignity, they feel welcome and valued, they are able to reach there potential with out fear of harm or mistreatment. â⬠¢Identify regulatory requirements tha t underpin a positive environment for children and young people. National standards for under 8s day care Early yearââ¬â¢s foundation stage The Early Years Register The Childcare Register Out come 3 â⬠¢Explain how to effectively care for children and young peopleââ¬â¢s skin, hair and teath. Skin care : if a child is required to wash in a child care environment it is important that each child has their own individual towel and face cloth. This will prevent the spread of any potential infection. It is also important to discuss with parent the care need to ensure that the care provided meets with any cultural /medical needs. Skin should only be used with the consent of the parent or care . childrens skin is sensitive when compaired with adults it is aslo thiner, it is important to ensure that after washing it is dryed well with patting not rubbing as this will avoid agervating any sore areas such as eczema. Hand washing is a very effective way to reduce and prevent illness and infection, hands need to be washed with warm soppy water and dryed properly. Hands should be washed before eathing, after using the toilet , after handling animals and after playing out doors and contct with open wounds. Its importat to introduce children to good hand washing habbits as young as possible and to make it an enjoyable activity, as this will help build good habbits in adult hood as children get older they can often skip the hand washing stage and my need to be remindered to do so and why its important to wash hands. Hair care it is importat to discuss with parents/ cares how often they would likew there childs haor to be washed and how they wish it to be styles. This can depen on my factiour ie type off hair, culture religious beliefs. The main concers as a care provider is to ensure a watch is kept for head lice these are very small parasites that live on the hair, signs that a child has head lice include itching, small red marks on the scalp where the child has been bitten and white eggs cases on the hair they do not come out with regual brushing. Parents should be inforned asap and the child reasured that they are not dirty. Child need to be treated as soon as posible from discoverty to prevent them from infecting others in the setting. Teeth care: Dentists say that the most important part of tooth care happens at home. Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease. To prevent cavities, you need to remove plaque, the transparent layer of bacteria that coats the teeth. The best way to do this is by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Brushing also stimulates the gums, which helps to keep them healthy and prevent gum disease. Brushing and flossing are the most important things that you can do to keep your teeth and gums healthy. Toothpastes contain abrasives, detergents, and foaming agents. Fluoride, the most common active ingredient in toothpaste, is what prevents cavities. So you should always be sure your toothpaste contains fluoride. â⬠¢Explain how a positive environment and rouitine meet the emotional needs of children and their families. A positive environment and routien is essental to meeting the emotional needs of the children that attend the child care setting, when a chid feels safe and happy in their enviournment they develop confidence to explore what is a round them, through a positive enfivroment and routine children also learn many important social skills such as sharing with others, patience and understand of those differet from them self. the enviornment will stimulate the child to try need thing while keep them safe from harm. They can develop at their own pace and meet the mile stone of child hood. Through a possitive environment and routine tailored to the individual needs of the family the emotial needs of the family can be met in that they know there child is well care for and treated with respect and valued as an individual this is very importat especially when a child beguins to attend a new car setting as the parents and cares can get on with their work happy that their child is in good hands. â⬠¢Describe the importance for physical and mental well being of balancing periods of physical activity with rest and quiet time. Out come 4 â⬠¢define the Basic nurtritional requirements of children and young people to ensure a balanced diet and meet government guidence children only have small tummies and so need plenty of calories and nutrients in a small amount of food to ensure they grow properly. They can easily get a balanced diet by eating a variety of foods from four main food groups breads, other cereals and potatoes: these starchy foods include pasta and rice, provide energy, fibre, vitamins and minerals. Fruits and vegetables : these provide fibre, vitamins and are a source of antioxidants. Milk and dairy foods: these provide calcium for healthy bones and teeth, protein for growth, plus vitamins and minerals. Meat, fish and alternatives: these foods include eggs and pulses, provide protein and vitamins and minerals, especially iron. pulses, provide protein and vitamins and minerals, especially iron. Pulses also contain fibre This chart gives a rough guideline to the daily calorie needs of boys and girls at different ages. Kids who are really active may need more; those who are inactive may need less. AgeCalories per day BoysGirls 1ââ¬â31,2301,165 4ââ¬â61,7151,545 7ââ¬â101,9701,740 11ââ¬â142,2201,845 15ââ¬â182,7552,110 Adults2,5501,940 â⬠¢Explain how to establish the different diertary requirements of chilren ands young people. due to the diverse nature of the society we live in to day it is important to establish a good working realtionship with parents/ carers of the children you are goin to be careing for. This is where you will find reams and reams of invaluable information about the children you are looking after for example there like and dislikes, medical conditions etc. This is also where you will be able to find out what kinds of food the children eat at home and are expected to eat in your care setting ie vegitables!!! It is also important to discuss with parents food witch my not be aloud for reasion such as cultural belifes religious practaces, tolerances, allergies and persional chioces. It is important to ensure your awere of the foods each child in your care my and my not eat and to ensure that your meals are made with these in mind. This imformatiuon can be proccessed into an easy to read chart that can be placed in the food preperation are and used for reference when looking for new recipies. This will also ensure that everone invloved with the food preparation for the children in your care setting are kept informed of the approprate diarty requirments for each child in the setting. Describe basic food saftey when providing food and drink to children and young people. -cooking, eating utensils and work surfaces spotlessly clean before use -wash hands before touching food -check use by dates -keep perishables in the fridge -keep fridge between0-5degrees Celsius -keep freezer below 18degrees celeries -avoid contact between raw and cooked foods -clean and disinfect food preparation areas regularly Store uncooked meat at bottom of fridge -cover all food when out or d efrosting -ensure food is cooked thoroughly and evenly -do not reheat food
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